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Spiritual Warfare: A Seat at the Table

One of the greatest tactics that the enemy uses in spiritual warfare is capitalizing on our ignorance. One of the greatest areas of confusion that plagues the body of Christ is the lack of revelation regarding our identity.

There are many areas in our life that the enemy uses to initiate warfare. Satan’s warfare gains a foothold in our life when we don’t live persuaded by the mind of Christ. 

There are three things that I want to focus on in this post to provide you will tools to withstand the attacks of the enemy with rest and victory:

1. All things have been placed under Christ’s feet

“And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.” - Eph. 1:22

Nothing that the enemy does is superior to what Christ has already done. The focus of spiritual warfare is often on what the enemy is doing, but the higher reality is what Christ has done and the victory that continues to echo throughout the ages. Christ defeated the enemy once and for all. The Good News is that we are included in that victory. The Cross communicates this reality. Before the Cross the enemy had a foothold by way of the law, but under this new covenant we don’t even exist in the same realm which brings me to my next point.

2. Your Are Presently Seated in Christ

“But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,” - Eph 2:4-6

You could spend 365 days meditating on this one truth and wouldn’t have wasted on second. Christ didn’t die and leave you in an inferior position. The enemy is able to take our lunch money because we take on the identity of one who hasn’t been redeemed. 

This is great news for us! God has so lavishly blessed us that He didn’t even give us a chance to NOT believe that we are seated in Christ. The Bible says that HE MADE US sit together with Christ in the heavenly realm. Let’s forget about warfare for a moment and just think about how monumental this truth is and how it holds the key to radically change every area of our life. 

What if we were so persuaded by this truth that we didn’t allow a bad day at work hold the key to our joy. What if an unexpected circumstance couldn’t push us around because this earthly realm had no persuasion over us!

3. This is not some fairy tale

Paul lives fully persuaded by this truth. This man while shackled in prison had one of the most joyful and positive dispositions heard of. The persuasion of His life was Christ and Him crucified. The warfare round his life didn’t have a foothold in His life because His reality was the victory of the resurrected Christ. 

We too can live in this reality. There’s no sense in shouting, “No weapon formed against me shall prosper,” yet when our boss has gotten on our nerves our entire day is ruined. The Cross calls us to live from a higher reality. 

We Are In Christ. 

written by: KeVon Pippens

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