Have you ever taken time to analyze the journey of walking out prophetic words and promises that are spoken over your life? Have you gotten a word and wondered when it would come to pass? What is your part in the process of manifesting a prophetic word?
Let's take a look!
Initial Excitement
There's that moment when you initially receive a word that you anticipate to be from the Lord. This moment is exciting as it has the potential to provide empowerment, encourage you and provide direction for you as you may be navigating your way through life and making destiny decisions.Â
This like that moment when the children of Israel received the prophetic promise and directive to go into the land that the Lord would give to them that flowed with milk and honey (Ex. 3:17).Â
Many receive the word with excitement but never move beyond the point of the hearing. Depending on the type of prophetic word that has been received, this can cause a stagnation or miscarriage because most prophetic words demand a response from the recipient.Â
Which brings us to the next step...
The Assesment & Response
After receiving a prophetic word it's important that you assess the word. Does it line up scripturally? Does it resonate the heart of God? Does it bear witness in your spirit? Does it correlate with your purpose and destiny?
If the answers to those questions are yes, then there should be a response to the word. We have become over-familiar with the prophetic and have neglected to honor its role in the life of the believer.Â
The First Response to a prophetic word should be prayer...
Prayer is when we meet with the Lord. This is the place where we gaze into His heart and get to know him. Intimacy is the first priority of prayer. It is from this place that His heart is birthed out of the spirit into our present.Â
Prayer is the place where God truly reveals your identity to you through revealing Himself. When you gaze upon Him it is as beholding in a mirror. He show's you Himself to show you yourself.Â
This is the place where strength and courage are imparted to walk out the prophetic word that He has spoken over your life.Â
Another aspect of prayer is the decree. It is important to decree the word over yourself. The enemy seeks to come and rob you of your seed. He wants to snatch your prophetic word and impart doubt and complacency. If you don't believe the word that has been spoken you won't take action to step into it.Â
Decisions are necessary for birthing the prophetic...
How many times have you questioned God about when a word was going to come to pass?Â
Often, we are waiting on God and He is waiting for us to make some decisions. Destiny is something you get to decide on. The prophetic word of the Lord creates a frame for you to step into.Â
The children of Israel received a prophetic word about their land flowing with milk and honey but decided that the giants in the land were too great for them.Â
The made a choice not to believe and DECIDED not to step into the promise that God had already framed out for them.
You got to make decisions that push you into manifestation. Doors, pathways, and opportunities come as you make decisions that propel you forward.Â
Every door for your destiny already exists. They are simply waiting on you. When God speaks a word concerning your life, that word is loaded with resources. You must be intentional!
Decisions aren't always easy. Progressing in the prophetic isn't always pretty.Â
More often than not you will experience travail...Â
The prophetic involves birthing. Birthing is not just something that happens in prayer. It is the culmination of all of the previous. It includes rejoicing, pain, pressing, being intentional, praise, and prayer.Â
Travail can appear in a variety of ways (will cover in a later post). Like a woman giving birth, at this point the baby is crowning and ready to come out!Â
You made intentional decisions and have pressed through the various things that come with being pregnant with a word.Â
The sickness that often comes in the morning of stepping out on the word because it seems as if it will never manifest. Don't give up if this is you.Â
This stage can range from a few moments to multiple years,Â
Your entire journey of birthing a prophetic word should be done from a posture of resting in Him.Â
Remember: His yoke is easy and he can take what seems too much for you and make it light as you rest upon Him.Â
This is the moment we all look forward to!!! This is the time when we turn on the praise music and lose it because we have finally seen what we hoped for materialize.Â
Here's the great news! As you develop in what has come forth, you get groomed to do it all over again :).
There's a great journey ahead for you. He has an awesome dream for your life and will walk with you as you discover all the wonderful things that are in store.
If you are in the process of walking out a word, which we all are; don't give up! You're going to get there. Stay the course and rejoice all the way!
Thanks for reading this week's post! If this blessed you please share and lets chat below!